Webstorm jetbrains

WebStorm is a powerful IDE for modern JavaScript development, perfectly equipped for building applications with React, Angular, Vue.js and Node.js. JetBrains, initially called IntelliJ, was founded in 2000 in Prague by three software developers: Sergey Dmitriev, Valentin Kipiatkov and Eugene Belyaev. Your plugin for one of our team tools might be of great use to millions of users. WebStorm 是jetbrains公司旗下一款JavaScript 开发工具。目前已经被广大中国JS开发者誉为“Web前端开发神器”、“最强大的HTML5编辑. Themes for InteliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, WebStorm and AppCode. Quokka is a rapid prototyping playground in your editor, with access to your project's files, inline reporting, code coverage and rich output formatting.